Hickling - John Smith (1829)

"July 2, 1829. I preached at Sheffield, according to appointment, to a large congregation, and there was a powerful influence connected with the truth of God. I should think twelve or fourteen hundred stayed to the prayer meeting. Many were in distress, and a goodly company either found peace or were cleansed from sin. I preached out of doors at Chilwell, a few days afterwards; three or four were awakened, and have since joined the society. On Whitsunday, we had a good day at new Basford. Five found peace in the evening. They are going on well there. I was at Hickling in the Melton circuit, a short time ago. Many were in distress, and five found peace. The week before last, I went to Clauson, where we had a very signal time: — a crowded chapel, much power under the sermon, and after some powerful struggling in the prayer meeting, fifteen or sixteen were saved. We had one saved at our class last Tuesday night. So you see the Lord is still working among us, ' Jesus, ride on, till all are subdued.' Through mercy we are all tolerably well in health, and we are determined to try to get and diffuse more of God." Then in allusion to his temporal circumstances he adds, " I would rather break stones on the road than pass another such a year as the last. I like to earn my bread, and that has sometimes made me labour when I ought to have rested. But I hope God will smile after bruising me a little. I am, dear father, &c."

R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p272-3


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