Ebenezer Chapel - Leeds, William Booth (1856)

24th December 1855

I think I omitted to mention the particulars of the work. Hitherto it has been a hard struggle. My dearest has been burdened with the anxiety and very much annoyed with the character of the arrangements, so much so that the first night we came he refused to work with them as they then stood and it took the preacher in Mr Crompton till midnight to persuade him. The thing is altogether unfortunate, but it would require too much time to explain it. The first week the work was equal to anything we have had anywhere at the commencement, but the anniversary interfered with the influences.

8th January 1856

The work is progressing gloriously. On Sunday night the sermon was one of extraordinary power and influence and during the prayer meeting they took 50 names. Last night again they took 35, some of them first-rate cases. William was just in his element. But his body is not equal to it, I am sure and I cannot but feel anxious on this point. I am often congratulated on having such a husband and sometimes told that I ought to be the happiest of women. And I am happy. Nevertheless, I have anxiety is peculiar to my own sphere.

16th January 1856

The finish at Hunslet was grand! 500 names were taken in all. The gentleman I mentioned in my last two letters was one of the last sheaves of this glorious harvest; he gave in his name on the last night. Another gentleman, a talented influence, a backslider, was restored on the Thursday night, making glad the heart of a devoted wife, who has been praying for him for a long long time.

Excerpts from Catherine Booth's journal.

From, 'Catherine Booth', the Mother of the Salvation Army', by Booth-Tucker, Volume I, pages 132-133


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