Islington Presbyterian Church, Liverpool (1874)

"As a striking testimony to the success of the Liverpool visitation, we give the following extracts from a letter received from Rev. Verner White, Presbyterian minister there : — "I long felt it was the true way to reach the lapsed masses, and now from observation and experience I have not a doubt on my mind ; if judiciously, regularly, and prayerfully carried out, it would affect a spiritual revolution among the non-church-goers and drunkards, such as would astonish the most ardent friends of the movement. This conclusion I have arrived at from established and unquestionable results in my own sphere. As a result, we have commenced meetings every night in our school-room. The visitors go and bring the people in. Every night God gave us souls. Last night I was overwhelmed with gratitude to God for His manifested glory. Many were moved to tears at the sight of the surrender of three men to Christ. For years they had not been in the house of God, although religiously brought up.' " If every minister of the Church of Christ, every congregation, and every Christian in the congregation gave himself and herself, Liverpool would be reached to its darkest court and street."

From, 'Recollections of Reginal Radcliffe', by his wife, page 225

Additional Information

The Church has been removed and there is now a small park there.