Leeds - John Smith (1830)

The conference of this year was held at Leeds. Mr S. attended it and preached several times with much power and considerable success. To one of these occasions he thus alludes in a letter to Mr M'Dermott.

"At the conference, one Tuesday morning, the floods came down. Many were pardoned;— many were cleansed. At the glorious coming down of Jehovah, the noise of the people was as the sound of many waters. It required strong measures to get order but it was secured, and God stayed and worked signally and clearly. His hand was seen and adored. He will stand by his own plan. His good pleasure is to save" Finding however, that he was in danger of injuring himself at Leeds, he retired to Cudworth, before the conference concluded. Here he preached once, and several souls were given to his ministry. A gracious work began in the village from this time. Writing to his father, a few months afterwards, he thus speaks on this subject: "The tidings of your prosperity at Cudworth gave me great pleasure. Only stick to the work, and then: — This is a must be. There should be no flagging: — in order to this, lengthened meetings generally should not be encouraged. If you mind, you may have a sweeping work this winter. — Try! — "

R Treffry Life of John Smith p 298-9


Additional Information

The meetings probably took place at the Old Eastgate Chapel.

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