Berkeley Chapel - John Smith (1829)

On Wednesday I and brother M'D. went to Woolwich. I preached in the evening from ' Ask, and ye shall receive,' &c. D. and I returned to London that night, but we afterwards learned that the pardoned and cleansed amounted to sixteen. Mr Reece engaged me for Queen Street, the following Sunday night. I had special liberty from 'This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,' &c. There was much of the cutting power of God among the people. According to a previous arrangement, I commenced the prayer meeting from the pulpit. Not fewer than fifteen hundred people stayed. The praying men then came forward well; several got liberty; the high praises of God were sung, &c. MR Reece marshalled the meeting until after ten o'clock, and then requested all who were in distress to retire into the vestry. It was supposed that not fewer than forty were saved that night. Glory be to God! You would not be much surprised at this, were you to hear their mighty men pray. Oh, what straight forward believing in God! What powerful wrestling! On the Wednesday following, I preached at Charles Street, a favourite place of mine, from 'Wilt thou be made whole?' It was crowded, and again the Lord Jesus displayed his royal power and mercy in saving souls. The pardoned and cleansed, I understand, were not fewer than thirty. Glory be to God! By this time my body was shorn of its strength, and I was glad to seek rest by returning to Nottingham. In different places in our own circuit, I have seen several saved. To God be all the glory. Amen and amen."

R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p271-2

Additional Information

Berkeley Chapel stood where indicated. It was pulled down around 1907. I assume this is where Smith was.

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