John Browne (1517)

In the year 1517, one John Brown (who had recanted before in the reign of Henry VII and borne a fagot round St. Paul's,) was condemned by Dr Wonhaman, archbishop of Canterbury, and burnt alive at Ashford. Before he was chained to the stake, the archbishop Wonhaman, and Yester, bishop of Rochester, caused his feet to be burnt in a fire until all the flesh came off, even to the bones. This was done in order to make him again recant, but he persisted in his attachment to the truth to the last.

Additional Information

If you walk along Mace Lane, after passing Mace Industrial Estate, you will see the building in the photo above. A few yards further on you go over the Great Stour and you will see the entrance to a park. As you turn left the memorial can be seen by the path on the right. It is likely that the burning took place about where the building in the photo stands. This is close to the left bank of the river. The memorial is on the other side of the river.

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