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D L Moody 1891-2
31 wells
The Salvation Army
215 wells
Arran Revivals
9 wells
Richard Atkinson
3 wells
William Bagshawe
1 well
Richard Baxter
16 wells
Beddgelert Revival 1817
0 wells
William Boardman
11 wells
Catherine Booth
30 wells
William Booth
69 wells
William Bramwell
38 wells
Billy Bray
4 wells
Breadalbane Revivals
11 wells
Robert Bruce
7 wells
John Bunyan
17 wells
Thomas Fowell Buxton
9 wells
Cambuslang Revival
21 wells
William Carey
14 wells
Ann Carr
7 wells
William Carvosso
1 well
James Caughey
46 wells
Thomas Chalmers
9 wells
Thomas Charles
9 wells
Church in England
270 wells
Church in N Ireland
113 wells
Church in Scotland 1625-1929
255 wells
Church in Scotland to 1625
13 wells
Adam Clarke
11 wells
Thomas Collins
42 wells
Oliver Cromwell
0 wells
Ann Cutler
7 wells
David Dickson
4 wells
John Elias
11 wells
Joseph Entwisle
14 wells
Christmas Evans
15 wells
Fisherman's Revival 1921
41 wells
John Fletcher
1 well
George Fox
22 wells
Elizabeth Fry
5 wells
Bernard Gilpin
2 wells
Great Awakening
54 wells
Great Yorkshire Revival
25 wells
William Grimshaw
12 wells
James Haldane
10 wells
Robert Haldane
9 wells
Howell Harris
17 wells
William Haslam
29 wells
Geraldine Hooper
2 wells
Rees Howells
5 wells
Lady Huntingdon
3 wells
George Jeffreys
3 wells
Griffith Jones
5 wells
Humphrey Jones
10 wells
Kilsyth Revival 1742
16 wells
Kilsyth Revival 1839
105 wells
Kirk of Shotts Revival
1 well
John Knox
15 wells
Lewis Revival 1949-53
0 wells
John Macdonald
12 wells
55 wells
Robert McCheyne
14 wells
Andrew Melville
6 wells
Moody Revival 1873-5
407 wells
Dwight L Moody
99 wells
David Morgan
60 wells
Moulin Revival
2 wells
George Mueller
7 wells
John Nelson
2 wells
John Newton
8 wells
W P Nicholson
22 wells
Brownlow North
15 wells
Otley Revival
84 wells
Outer Hebrides Revivals
69 wells
Primitive Methodists
171 wells
Reginald Radcliffe
29 wells
Revival Cornwall
93 wells
Revival in N Ireland 1859
172 wells
Revival in Scotland 1859-61
396 wells
Revival in Wales 1859
264 wells
Revival in Wales 1860-1903
14 wells
Revival in Wales to 1858
323 wells
Evan Roberts
51 wells
Daniel Rowland
12 wells
Six Mile Water Revival
12 wells
Skye Revivals
28 wells
John Smith
52 wells
Charles H Spurgeon
1 well
Stepney Revival 1839
1 well
Stewarton Revival
2 wells
28 wells
The 1849 South Wales Revival
65 wells
The English Revival 1859-65
480 wells
The Moray Revivals
39 wells
The Tongues Revival 1830
9 wells
James Turner
20 wells
William Tyndale
5 wells
Samuel Walker
1 well
Weardale Revivals
73 wells
Richard Weaver
14 wells
John Welch
6 wells
Welsh Revival 1904-05
736 wells
Charles Wesley
3 wells
John Wesley
48 wells
George Whitefield
21 wells
George Whitehead
1 well
Smith Wigglesworth
9 wells
William Wilberforce
13 wells
William Williams
7 wells
George Wishart
9 wells
John Wycliffe
3 wells