William Haslam Revival - Freshford (1861)


Haslam's health was still not good; at least that is what his doctor told him; that he would go out like the snuff of a candle. He was advised to go to the country for a summer break and a woman gave him a generous cheque and told him to go to Freshford. Haslam, his wife and ten children found lodgings and he invited his landlady and her household to join them for family worship. This they did and the next morning the number of visitors increased and that evening the room was full as was the passage and some were out in the garden. The landlady's whole family were converted and he was asked to hold meetings in a schoolroom. It seemed that the area was just waiting for a match to be applied as many were just ready to make a commitment to Christ; young and old, rich and poor.

The blessing was not without opposition with people throwing stones at the building and then later throwing stones through the windows. "Souls were converted every day and the work continued without interruption all the time we were there, and was carried on by others after we left, and spread to several villages beyond." Some urged the vicar to interfere but he never came anywhere near the meetings. In fact, 'One morning, as I was riding up to a gate, he kindly opened it for me and taking off his hat politely, said, "You have been opening the door of salvation to my people; I am happy to open this gate for you. Good morning."' The vicar even asked him to do a service in his church as he was going away and a packed church received much blessing. This was a real 'busman's holiday' for Haslam but nothing refreshes one more than to see the Glory of God pour out.

Additional Information

This is probably where the schoolroom was where Haslam started his meetings. There was a school on this site since 1847 so it seems likely. It is probable that he had meetings in different parts of the neighbourhood.