Sunderland - John Wesley (1761)

"About noon I preached at Biddick and the power of God was in the midst of His people. And more eminently at Sunderland in the evening. After preaching I met the believers and exhorted them to go on to perfection. It pleased God to apply the plain words which were spoken, so that all were athirst for Him. Objections vanished away and a flame was kindled almost in every heart." Wesley's Journal, 28th May, 1761. 

This is the Otley Holiness revival and here is Wesley preaching on holiness (Christian perfection)

"I rode once more to Sunderland and preached as usual to a numerous congregation." Wesley's Journal 13th June, 761.

What a change is wrought in this whole country! And will it not be wrought in the whole country!" Wesley's Journal, 14th June, 1761.

Additional Information

In 1759 the Methodists moved to a house in Numbers Garth. The street was approximately as marked.

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