Mirfield - Thomas Collins (1856)

On Friday, March 7th, Mr Collins preached at Mirfield. Of this service a correspondent has furnished me an account: "I accompanied him. The young man who drove us said,' Sir, you must give us a variety to-night, for all sorts of people will be there.' 'You wish,' was the quiet reply, ' a portion of meat to be given to each in due season.' 'Just so.' Mr Collins not being well, I took the preliminary parts of the service. Those ended, he entered the pulpit, and preached with wonderful power from Eph. v. 18: ' Be ye filled with the Spirit.' Great grace rested upon the people. Attention was riveted. Tears flowed fast. Prayers, half thought, half-uttered, breathed around. The whole congregation seemed athirst for the blessed fulness of which he spake. Never, before or since, have I seen an assembly so divinely moved. At the close of the sermon the Communion place was crowded with seekers. Several who received good were of respectable families in Dewsbury. ,

Mr Collins was glad exceedingly. His face shone with heavenly joy to see, in these young men, education, talent, and rich promise won over to the Lord's side. Triumph after triumph delayed us until a late hour. The young man who had driven us was kneeling among the seekers. Mr Collins spoke to him. I overheard the conversation.' Well, young friend, what have you set your heart upon obtaining? this fulness of the Spirit? Are you a pardoned man, an accepted child of God?' 'Yes.' 'Now, listen to me. Set carefully before the eye of your faith the blessed Saviour, as He hung upon the cross. Do you see Him?' 'Yes.' 'Those hands and feet; that thorn-crowned brow and pierced side?''Yes.' 'That Saviour who suffered thus for you hath the Spirit offers the Spirit gives the Spirit. Can you believe in Him the overflowing fountain as giving the Spirit now unto you?' The young man was silent. "Whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive, and ye shall have." Do you so believe?' 'No.' 'What! not believe Him who is "the Truth?" not believe Him who bought and besought the pardon you say you enjoy? not believe Him in whom, at the price of His streaming blood, this fulness of the Spirit is, and all for you?' With many such words he strove to awake the young man's faith; at length, meeting no response, he said, 'That unbelief within keeps every blessing out. If the like were in all, this gracious revival would stop.’ From ‘The Life of the Rev Thomas Collins, by Samuel Coley, p394-5.


Additional Information

Probably Christ Church which was destroyed in 1971

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