Brownlow North - Home (1860)

North’s home was at ‘Knoll,’ on the banks of the Lossie River in Bishop’s Mill, Elgin. He had been given this lovely home in 1860 through the generosity of a group of friends who raised £2,000 for the purchase. This was reward for his not asking for any money when ministering, and to provide a place where he could rest and a home for his wife. He felt a tie to his locality and was aware that due to the intensity of his labours, he could not minister to them much, so he raised the money for a Mission Hall to be built near the gates of his home, to help locals who found it difficult to travel into Elgin.

Additional Information

This can be seen online at the Library of Scotland's website. The area has been completely re-developed, but the markershows the spot where the estate was.
