Brownlow North - Forres (1856)

His health was not good after so many meetings, so North went to Dallas to recuperate. On Sunday he went to the Free Church, but the minister was away, so there was not to be a sermon. He was asked to speak, but was loath to do so as he was not ordained, but finally agreed if an elder took the service and invited him to speak. The following day two little girls drowned in the river, and North was asked to address the mourners, which he did. The minister returned but was soon asked to speak elsewhere, so he asked North is he would preach on the Sunday. The people flocked into the church to hear North for the third time. At the meeting were two men from Forres, who reported what they had heard, and consequently, an invitation came from the Free Church for him to speak. North did several evening services to a packed congregation, resulting in much spiritual good.