Sheerness - J Entwisle (1808)

"Oct. 6. — The work of God still prospers in this circuit. Never did I see so much fruit of my labours as here, in the time. And God is enlarging our borders.

His ministry, too, throughout the circuit, had been greatly owned of God: five new societies had been formed: the number of members had increased from 375 to 550; discipline had been re-established, and all the societies brought into a lively and prosperous state. A new chapel had become necessary in Rochester; subscriptions had been in progress for some time, and all the arrangements made for commencing the work with a fair prospect of success; suitable provision had been made for the second preacher, so that it was no longer necessary to go from house to house for his meals: and the Rochester Circuit, which for some years had been nearly stationary, from that time took a higher rank in the Connexion, and an impulse was given to Methodism in that neighbourhood, which has been felt ever since, and has issued in such an enlargement of the work as to render two divisions of the circuit necessary; Sheerness and Gravesend having successively been constituted the heads of separate circuits

From, ‘Memoir of the Rev. Joseph Entwisle; fifty-four years a Wesleyan Minister, 1848, p266 and 273.

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Location unknown.