Shader (1939)

John Smith heard that a revival was taking place in Point, and he and others wanted it in their area, so he sent two girls to go house to house to tell everyone that he was holding a meeting in his house. The house filled to overflowing and the revival began. Planks of wood between concrete blocks were put outside for an 'overflow'. Smith was a blacksmith and an elder in the Church of Scotland.

The house was also used in the 1949 revival.

For more information see, ‘Glory in the Glen,’ by Tom Lennie, p369-383, and ‘Sounds from Heaven, by Colin and Mary Peckham (for details of the 1949-52 revival), both published by Christian Focus Publications.

Additional Information

The house is still (May 2009) lived in by John Smith's son, Donald John Smith and his dear wife. When I met them they were just coming in from a walk on the moor. The house has been extended and inside the rooms have been moved around a bit, but it is basically the same house where the 1930 and the 1949 revival was.

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