Milton Damerel (1816)

I had to hasten to Milton Domerall to hold a love-feast. I felt the Lord present as I entered the room, but I was so hoarse that I could hardly speak. I prayed; we had a shout; a friend or two prayed, and I spoke from "wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost". I had not spoken long before I was hindered by the cries of the people. After a while we dismissed the congregation and Began the love-feast. I spoke of the goodness of God to me, and another began to speak but was stopped by the cries of the people. We were all most weary, many having stayed most of the night before. I had got two hours sleep myself. We dismissed the people about three in the morning and continued to pray with the distressed. About five, having refreshed ourselves, I intended to take a little rest; but there was one present who had been in great agony, and was worn down with much crying and struggling. I thought we would pray, but the temptation many times presented itself that we had been praying all night, and I had to be at Bradford at two in the afternoon. At last, I overcame the temptation; we prayed, the penitent found peace, and three besides. I went to bed about seven. It was impossible to know how many were set at the Liberty, but I found three who received the Lord as their sanctification, and five or six who found peace with God. What a glorious Christmas Day has this been to my soul!

The Bible Christians: Their Origin and History (1815-1900) by F.W. Bourne - Page 41.

Additional Information

The photo is of the Methodist Church which probably came about through the Bible Christian Revival.
