James Caughey Sheffield Meeting - Norfolk St (1844)

On the 4th instant, (August,) we commenced a series of special services in Norfolk Street chapel, which continued through eighteen days. I had little of that comfort and satisfaction in this chapel that I had at Ebenezer, Carver Street, and Brunswick chapels. There was something there, in my apprehension that grieved the Holy Spirit; still the results were very great. From the world, more than four hundred souls; about two hundred of whom, I understand joined the circuit to which Norfolk Street chapel belongs, and above one hundred united with the other Circuit. I was surprised to find, that of so many hundreds saved, so few belonged to the Norfolk Street congregation. Why, I cannot tell. The Lord knoweth; for all things are naked and open to Him, with whom we have to do. Perhaps they may yield themselves to God suddenly, even before I leave the town; for in this revival, nothing but what is quite impossible seems difficult.


I forgot to add that nearly three hundred believers professed to obtain purity of heart during the services in Norfolk Street. All glory be to God! He doeth the works. His arm is mighty. What can withstand his power? Sin, the devil, hell and its powers, sinners and their errors in doctrines and practice, must fly or fall before the influences of the Spirit, as chaff before the wind. Hallelujah! The Lord God omnipotent. Amen and amen!

Taken from 'Methodism in Earnest' at www.revival-library.org

Additional Information

This replaced the original 1777 chapel in 1906.

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