High Church, Paisley (1766)

George Muir visited the revival at Cambuslang in 1742 as a 19 year-old and was converted there. After his experience there he was ordained in 1752. In 1766 he became minister of the High church, Paisley:

He 'became highly esteemed by his numerous congregation and from the surrounding countryside... He found it necessary with the voice of thunder sometimes to address his audience in powerful appeals to the careless and ungodly. In leading the prayers of his congregation, he poured out his whole soul; and a peculiar unction and enlargement with a fullness of rich and suitable expressions particularly distinguished his public devotional exercises.' 

His five-year ministry in Paisley was attended with 'a remarkable outpouring of the Spirit of God' and his preaching was accompanied with power to the conversion of many souls. 

'Edinburgh Christian Instructor' April 1838, pages 153-9, summarised by Tom Lennie, 'Land of Many Revivals', page 150-1.
