First Association Meeting (1743)

This first official Calvinistic Methodist Association Meeting was held on January 5th and 6th 1743 at Plas Watford, the home of Thomas Price. George Whitefield was the chairman and also in attendance were Daniel Rowland, Howell Harris, Howel Davies, William Williams. In total there were six clergymen and twelve 'public exhorters'. There were four Englishmen and fourteen Welshmen.

Three main decisions were made here. 'That the bretheren who had scruples about receiving the sacrament in the Church on account of the ungodliness of the ministers, and receiving with the Dissenters on account of their lukewarmness, should continue to receive in the Church, till the Lord should open a plain door for leaving her communion. That no exhorters should be reckoned one of us but was tried and approved, and that no one should go beyond the prescribed limits without previous advice and consultation. That each private exhorter should bring an account of his respective societies and of those who would be admitted into fellowship to the next Association.

It was also agreed that the Association should meet twice a year.

Harris reported that, 'We are now so well regulated as to prevent, for the future, irregularities....All are brought under discipline....All should continue in the Established Church as before.'

From 'Daniel Rowland' by Eifion Evans

Additional Information

Please note that this important historical building is privately owned.
