Bethesda Chapel - Bristol (1860)

Thousands assembled on the Downs near Cook's Folly to hear these brethren speak of Jesus. The Hon. and Rev. Baptist W. Noel and Mr Radcliffe were to speak; and long before the hour of meeting, the Chapel in Great George Street was nearly filled, and by the time the service commenced all available standing-room was occupied. Mr Miiller opened the service, and was followed by Mr Noel, and then by Mr Radcliffe, whose address was characterized by peculiar energy; the foundation verities of our common faith were clearly set forth, and Christ with His full, free, and immediate salvation, was again and again affectionately presented to the breathless audience. The preaching closed about 9.30, when those who felt anxious about their souls, and those who were willing to converse with such, were requested to remain, and all others to leave. Nearly half the congregation remained. Groups were soon formed in every part 01 the Chapel; deep seriousness pervaded the meeting; some were utterly inconsolable, the burden of unpardoned sin was a palpable oppression. They made great efforts to restrain their feelings, but it was impossible, and the flood-gates of their anguish burst forth in groans and weeping. So great was the number and earnestness of the inquirers, that the meeting was not closed until half-past eleven. Surely the Lord was with us in the manifest power of His blessed Spirit.

From 'Reflections of Reginald Radcliffe', by his wife.

Additional Information

The building was destroyed in the war.