Bainsford (1867)

A season of refreshing arose in the border districts of Stirlingshire, North Lanarkshire, and Falkirk in August 1866. The awakenings began in Cumbernauld, where visits from Harry Smith and E Asbrown, also of the evangelisation society, produced ‘ an excitement they could not manage,’ The work here proved deep and genuine and soon spread West to Kylsyth and East to Dunipace and Larbert, where fervent consistent prayer for revival had gone on for years, intensifying on news of movements elsewhere in the region. From Larbert the awakening spread further to Camelon and Falkirk where the work, supported by a number of churches continued into 1868.

The Evangelist John Bowles, wrote in February 1868, of ‘ Hundreds… Being converted at Falkirk, Bainsford, Stenhousmuir, Denny, Falkirk and several other places’.

From, "Scotland Ablaze', by Tom Lennie, pages 465/6, published by Christian Focus.

This was a Free Church movement
